Mike sits down with City Council candidate Ken Wilson (Position 8 - Citywide) and discusses public safety, homelessness, and the radical position of his opponent Teresa Mosqueda.
Campaign website for Ken Wilson: https://www.kenforcouncil8.com/
Please visit our sponsors:
• Hart 2 Hart Medical Supply: https://hart2hart.com/ for FDA registered respirator masks at wholesale prices.
• StopDefunding.com: https://stopdefunding.com/ to sign the petition to stop the defunding of police departments nationwide.
Campaign website for Ken Wilson: https://www.kenforcouncil8.com/
Please visit our sponsors:
• Hart 2 Hart Medical Supply: https://hart2hart.com/ for FDA registered respirator masks at wholesale prices.
• StopDefunding.com: https://stopdefunding.com/ to sign the petition to stop the defunding of police departments nationwide.